Welcome to Classic Web

Hello from morgan[a]zoemp.be

Our Commitment to Web Standards and Accessibility

Driven by the principles of the small web, classic web, indie web, and slow web philosophies, this page is an experiment in creating a web presence that respects web standards, accessibility, privacy, and has a minimal carbon impact. Inspired to build a better web, we are rigorously testing and validating our webpage using various tools and extensions like Web Developer Checklist, Ultrablock, JSHelter, Privacy Badger, Big Tech Detective, Lighthouse, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, and WAVE.

This is a work in progress, and each step in our journey is aimed at creating a web experience that is not only user-friendly but also responsible and respectful of user privacy and our environment. Learn more about our journey and progress at https://morgan.zoemp.be.

The source code for this page is available at https://gitea.zoemp.be/morgan/classicweb.

Useful Resources for Website Checking

For additional insights and tools to check and improve your website, visit our wiki page on useful resources. It contains a curated list of tools and articles that can help in assessing and enhancing various aspects of web development and performance.

Our Philosophy

We advocate for open-source, privacy, and the small web. Our platform is committed to slow web principles, data portability, security compliance, GDPR compliance, and simplicity. We prioritize security, decentralization, and user empowerment.

Those efforts could lead to examplify how get things done in a clean way and without friction for anyone looking for inspiration and reusable work to start their own web page or blog/CMS template, whatever.

Learn more about our commitment to these values and join our journey towards a more ethical and user-controlled web.

Carbon Rating A+

Valid HTML Badge

Valid CSS Badge

Pingdom Validation Badge

WebPageTest Validation Badge

Big Tech-free

WebAIM Validated

Nibbler Tested

Lighthouse Tested